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This Mineral Mends Your DNA

Every hour of the day, your cells are under attack. Normally, this is OK because your cells have a built-in DNA repair system that fixes any damage. But when your cells are undernourished, they can lose the ability to repair themselves. And that’s bad news. Part of the reason for the explosion of… Read More

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Anti-Aging Doctor Reveals Secret to Ageless Skin

I’m going to show you how you can slow down the aging of your skin and reverse the signs of aging – without drugs or surgery.The secret I’m about to reveal is so groundbreaking that your dermatologist would love to share it with you. He hasn’t heard about it yet. Neither has your… Read More

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She Had Only One Wrinkle

  Do you know who Jeanne Calment was? She lived to be 122 – the world’s longest lived woman.She also said one of my favorite quotes. When she was 120, Jeanne said to a reporter, “I have only one wrinkle… and I’m sitting on it.” She was there when they built the Eiffel… Read More

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Miracle Fruit Is Berry, Berry Good

It’s a miracle! Actually, it’s a miracle fruit or, as it’s sometimes called, a miraculous berry. Dr. Sears’ trip to Africa reminded me of this beautiful little berry that is native to western parts of Africa. What’s so miraculous about it? This little berry contains a special molecule… Read More

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Gorgeous Skin is Your Best Beauty Accessory

Sometimes it's easy to forget that your skin is your "largest organ" because it just doesn't seem like an "organ." Typically we think of organs as heart, liver, kidneys, etc. Ninety five percent of the cells in the epidermis (top layer of skin) work to make new cells and five percent of the cells… Read More

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Stress Busting Skin Care Tips

Feeling stressed? Your skin may be feeling it, too. In fact, stress is one of the most common factors that cause your skin and body to age. Chronic stress has been proven to affect your health negatively.1 It can also accelerate the aging of your cells because your telomeres shorten at the end of… Read More

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All-Natural Skin Secret

The Trick Is to Stop “Taking Care” of Your Skin! In spite of your best efforts, your skin gets a little drier every year. You can see lines and wrinkles forming. And your skin isn’t as soft and smooth as it used to be. The secret to younger, smoother skin may not be what you… Read More

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Younger – Looking Skin in One Easy Step

Dear Health Conscious Reader, In our culture, youth is prized. And for women, having great-looking skin means one thing. It looks young. But if you’re like many of my patients, it’s tough to find a skincare product to help you appear like you turned back the clock. You can spend hundreds or… Read More

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One Resolution You Can Keep

Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, I can’t tell you how many of my patients come in and tell me they still wash their faces with soap or other harsh cleansers. And many skip toning and moisturizing all together. Or don’t do anything at all. But this isn’t the way you’re going to get the… Read More