Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, “Aren’t they just the sexiest part of the body?” I overheard this intriguing comment in my office. Then … “Not just sexy… almost erotic. My guy loves it when they’re really soft and smooth. And he can always tell when I’ve had them done because… Read More
Category: Skincare
When Skin Problems Are “All in Your Head”
You probably wouldn’t be surprised if I told you that having stubborn skin problems could make you feel bad. But what if I told you that your emotional state may cause stubborn skin problems? It’s true. Your skin can react to what’s going on in your mind. And that reaction may be anything… Read More
Look Like You Got A Spa Facial Without The Spa Cost
Your eyes are closed. There’s a sweet aroma floating in the cool, comfortable air. Relaxing music sends you to a place of tranquility and peace in your mind. And when you get up, your skin will have an incredible glow and youthful look that will last for weeks. A professional facial treatment… Read More
The Natural Lie the Cosmetic Industry is Telling You
Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, Every year, I see more and more companies jumping on the “natural” cosmetic bandwagon. But this isn’t surprising. When you see the safety data on some of the chemicals being used in skin care, it’s no wonder consumers are looking for safer options. And… Read More
Why I Never Use Sunscreen
Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, The media and “experts” from the medical community would have you believe wearing sunscreen all day, every day is the best thing you can do to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays. They tell you it’s a vital part of your daily routine and you should… Read More
Is Your Skin Starving?
Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, Here’s something you won’t hear from your dermatologist. If you want the best-looking skin possible, you need to make sure you get enough of one overlooked nutrient. It’s the essential fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Unfortunately for us, we can’t make… Read More
3 Steps for Glowing Winter Skin
Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, You know it’s wintertime … Your lips are chapped and cracked … your skin is dry and itchy … and your face is wind-burned and flaky... You apply lip balm, salve and moisturizing lotion that may work for a little while. But before you know it, the irritation… Read More
One Resolution You Can Keep

Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, I can’t tell you how many of my patients come in and tell me they still wash their faces with soap or other harsh cleansers. And many skip toning and moisturizing all together. Or don’t do anything at all. But this isn’t the way you’re going to get the… Read More
Whats In Your Natural Beauty Products?
You won’t read this on any cosmetics or skincare label: • “Harmful… through skin absorption.” • “Corrosive.” • “Skin contact… may produce pain, redness, severe irritation, or full thickness burns.” • “May be absorbed through the skin with possible systemic… Read More