In the 1990s, the White House proposed the biggest government takeover of health care in U.S. history. Their 1,000+-page plan would’ve eliminated health freedom and choice for every American.
Under this plan, everyone from state governments and private employers to doctors, hospitals and patients would have to answer to federal bureaucrats. Fortunately, U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich defeated the plan, preserving your right to make your own health choices and decisions.
Today, Newt is still fighting for your health freedom… for building a 21st-century health care system that uses the best new science available — including life-saving stem cell therapies — to save lives. He’s fighting for the very same things we’re fighting for here at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine.
That’s why I’m honored that Newt has accepted my personal invitation to be a keynote speaker at my upcoming 2019 Confidential Cures Summit on December 8th — 9th in Palm Beach, Florida. I hope you can join us as Newt shares his ideas for empowering patients and overhauling our health care system.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS