Dear Beauty Reader,
Don’t be fooled by their small size – sprouts are packed with nutrients. For example, soybean sprouts retain the B-complex vitamins found in the original bean, but show a huge jump in Vitamins A and C over the un-sprouted seeds. Grown locally year-round, sprouts are a good source of protein as well.
Sprouts have a long history nutritionally and medicinally. It’s been reported that over 5,000 years ago, Chinese physicians recognized and prescribed sprouts for curing many disorders. Alfalfa sprouts are one of the best natural sources of Vitamin K, which helps blood to clot and broken bones to knit.
They are also a good source of minerals, including calcium, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon and zinc (transplant patients are cautioned not to ingest any form of alfalfa because it interferes with the transplant medications).
In studies, broccoli sprouts have been shown to provide protection against breast cancer and colon cancer because of their abundance of a compound called sulforaphane glucosinalate (GS). Sprouts grown from certain types of broccoli seeds contain up to 50 times more of the compound than mature broccoli.
BroccoSprouts, which are available in the fresh produce section of grocery and specialty stores, have been tested against 50 other varieties of broccoli seeds by Dr. Paul Talalay, Jed W. Fahey and their colleagues at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Their work shows that some types of broccoli seeds provide much more of the cancer-preventing compound than others and they’ve used these seeds to create BroccoSprouts.
Aging Backwards Sprout Tips
Fresh is best. Look for fresh, crisp sprouts with moist, tender tips. Avoid mushy sprouts.
Eat ’em raw. Vitamin C is heat-sensitive so heating sprouts can reduce their Vitamin C content.
Let them breathe. Like any small plant, sprouts need air to breathe. Without it, they’ll succumb to mold and will spoil more quickly. Don’t store in sealed containers.
Replace the lettuce in your sandwiches with sprouts.
So, the next time you see sprouts in the produce aisle, don’t just pass by – pick some!
Have a Youthful Day,  Jackie Silver
[Ed. Note: Jackie Silver is the author of Aging Backwards: Secrets to Staying Young. She’s a dynamic and beautiful 50-something bombshell who looks half her age. She created “Aging Backwards” in 2006 to help empower women to look and feel younger than their actual age. Keep reading Ageless Beauty Secrets for more of Jackie’s best tips, tricks and secret weapons for stopping the effects of aging and improving the whole self – mind, body and spirit.]