Keep Your Age A Secret
Is your skin giving away your age? I’m not talking about wrinkles or bags.
Do you know what really gives away a woman’s age?
Skin tone. When I see splotches of uneven color, or spots from old acne scars, or sunspots from too many hours outside – well, the secret’s out.
No matter how well you fight off gray hair and wrinkles, skin tone tells your age.
Today I want to let you in on an ancient secret that may be your skin’s new best friend. This brilliant white flower was treasured in the ancient Mediterranean world for its purity. And it was the model for the fleur-de-lis symbol of the French royalty.
Modern science now tells us the natural extract from this wild bloom can actually heal the deepest levels of your skin. It can help prevent those dark areas and spots that tell the world how old you REALLY are.
I’m talking about the Bright Madonna Lily (Lilium Candidum). This lovely flower knows how to keep your age a secret.
Bright Madonna Lily Stops Your Skin Cells From Going Dark
Here’s how Bright Madonna Lily fights splotchy and spotted skin.
Your epidermis has five layers. In the fifth and deepest layer – the basal layer – cells called melanocytes produce melanin. That’s the pigment that colors your skin.
Once it’s produced, melanin is transferred to your keratinocytes – your skin cells. That happens through a complex system of enzymes. When the melanin transfers into your skin cells, the cells darken.
Dark splotches and spots on your skin have more melanin than lighter areas.
Bright Madonna Lily interferes with the enzymes that transfer melanin into your skin cells. That means your skin get less of the dark areas that give away your age. Your face has less discoloration and a more even skin tone.
In laboratory tests, Bright Madonna Lily reduced the transfer of melanin to skin cells up to 21% in just 24 hours. In addition, the growth of new skin cells in the basal layer of the epidermis increased by up to 20%. Those new cells can lead to younger looking skin.
One clinical study of 30 women aged 35 to 65 years proved how effective Bright Madonna Lily extract can be. The women all had dark spots on their faces. Every day they applied a cream containing 0.1% extract of Bright Madonna Lily to their skin.
After 56 days, 98% of the women said their skin was more radiant. And special measuring equipment confirmed that the areas of darkness and spots decreased by 9%.
How Bright Madonna Lily Just Got Better
You can’t put Bright Madonna Lily extract directly on your skin. It has to be mixed in a preparation. I added the extract to my new anti-aging face cream Restore.
But I made Bright Madonna Lily even more effective. I put it into a “liposome” delivery system.
Liposomes are like little balloons. They’re made of fats that are almost identical to your skin’s cell membranes. We fill these balloons with active ingredients like Bright Madonna Lily extract.
When these loaded balloons come in contact with your skin’s surface, they break and form a barrier over your skin. That seals in moisture AND the active ingredients the balloons carry.
Here’s why that’s important.
Remember I said that melanin is produced at the deep basal level of the skin? Well, a liposome delivery system seals the Bright Madonna Lily extract into your skin so it can migrate further into the layers where it can do its job.
But there’s a dark side to liposomes. Whatever is in the liposome balloon will go deeply into your skin. That’s great for healing and renewing ingredients like Bright Madonna Lily. But it’s not so good for perfumes or chemical preservatives that might trigger allergies or irritation.
That’s why my new Restore anti-aging liposome cream contains only pure natural ingredients. I don’t add chemicals or other harmful agents.