Did you know your skin is just like a sponge? Whatever you put on the outside inevitably ends up inside.
As an integrative dermatologist, I’m always reminding my patients that skin is a two-way street. What starts out on your plate eventually shows up on your face. Drinking plenty of water and eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats will help your body build fresh, glowing skin.
On the flipside, whatever you put on your skin makes its way to the rest of your body. Just as your body absorbs food from your gut, it also absorbs whatever you put on your skin.
That’s why you shouldn’t put anything on your face or body that you wouldn’t eat.
In fact, your skin products should be even cleaner than the food on your plate. Here’s why.
Your Skin “Eats” 60% of Whatever You Put on It
When I see patients in my office, I can look at their skin and get a pretty good idea of what they’re eating. I can also tell how their liver is working.
You see, your liver removes toxins before they can make their way into your bloodstream.
But when your liver is overworked, waste begins to build up in the blood. That can happen when your diet is full of processed foods, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, pesticides, or artificial flavors.
Now suppose, instead of eating those pesticides, preservatives and chemicals, you spread them directly on your skin. What happens?
What you put on your skin takes a fast track to your blood. Those chemicals never get detoxified or neutralized. They bypass your liver.
Most skincare products are full of toxins we would never eat. The vast majority have never even been tested by an objective organization. The FDA allows companies to test their own products for safety. How effective can that be? Most commercial personal care products are contaminated with one or more substances linked to cancer and other health concerns. That’s pretty shocking!
Even products labeled “natural” can contain potentially harmful ingredients made to act as preservatives or maintain a creamy consistency.
What can you do?
Choose Skincare That Nourishes
You and Your Skin
Instead of thinking about your skincare routine as “treating” your skin, think of it as “feeding” your skin.
When purchasing skincare products, it’s essential to read the labels on everything from soaps to moisturizers and deodorants. Ingredients shouldn’t read like the index to a chemistry textbook.
Avoid products with ingredients like parabens, triclosan, mineral oil, sodium laurel, phthalates, or toluene. Many of these are made from petroleum. They can disrupt your endocrine system. Some have been linked to cancer, liver or kidney disease, respiratory failure and even death.
Instead, look for ingredients that sound like foods to nourish your skin.
Here are three foods that work beautifully as skincare both inside and outside.
Pomegranate: This ancient fruit has more inflammation-fighting antioxidants than red wine. Drink the juice or eat the seeds. Or make a scrub to remove dead cells and brighten skin. Combine two tablespoons of pomegranate seeds with one cup of uncooked oatmeal in a food processor. Stir in two tablespoons each of honey and buttermilk. Scrub on your face for a few minutes and then rinse.
Green Tea: Sip three cups of green tea a day for its antioxidant power and to reduce skin cancer risks. To relieve puffy eyes, chill the damp tea bags in the refrigerator. Apply to closed eyes for 10-15 minutes.
Pumpkin: Carotenoids give pumpkin its distinctive orange color and wrinkle-fighting antioxidants. Pumpkin’s powerful enzymes also deep clean and hydrate skin. Combine two cups canned pumpkin, ¼ cup plain yogurt, four tablespoons honey and one tablespoon pumpkin pie spice in your blender. Smooth some on your face. Leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse. Eat the rest for dessert.
And remember, organic ingredients are always better when you can find them.