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Drugs and Anti-Aging

Sometimes patients come to me with what they call “symptoms of old age.” But often they’re not symptoms at all. They’re side effects. Here’s what I mean: Prescription drugs cause side effects that look a lot like “aging.” Research shows some drugs cause major cellular damage. They… Read More

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No time for aspirin

  From time to time, women in my office complain about headaches. Usually they want to know the best thing to take for the pain. If you’re a regular reader, you already know I don’t like over-the-counter pain relieving drugs. But even before that, I want to discover WHY you’re… Read More

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Miracle Oil From The Sea

Hundreds of years ago, the Japanese believed shark livers had miraculous powers. Fishermen from the Izu Peninsula in Japan hunted for deep-sea sharks swimming 3,000 feet below the ocean surface. They were after the oil in the sharks’ livers. They called it “Samedawa” meaning cure-all.1 The… Read More

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Beauty Butter from a Brazilian Fruit

  I stopped short in a large clearing. A crowd of native tribesmen were hard at work. They were gathering big, brown, fuzzy fruits the size of small melons. My guide scooped up one of the fruits. With a big knife he cracked it open like a coconut and offered me some of the creamy pulp… Read More

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Take 10 Minutes To Look Years Younger

Today I want to talk to you about a very common problem I see in my patients here at the Wellness Center. It’s stress. Did you know that people with the most job stress have the shortest telomeres?1 Here’s why that’s so important. Telomeres are little caps on the ends of your DNA strands.… Read More

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Your Anti-Stress Hormone

Your Anti-Stress Hormone Dear Beauty Reader, Today I feel strongly compelled to bring something up with you. Now before you say “I already know about that,” give me a chance to point out what most of my colleagues are getting wrong about this substance. I’m talking about DHEA.… Read More

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Skin Cell “Senescence” – Why You DO NOT Want It And How to Stop It

Have you ever heard the term senescence? It’s a synonym for aging. Why is this important to you? Because it means your skin no longer produces enough new, healthy cells and begins to sag, wrinkle and look older. But there’s a plant nutrient not very well known in the West that offsets this… Read More

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Are You Shaving with Natural Gas?

Last week Patty, one of my staff members here at the Wellness Center, was helping me out with some painting. It was a messy job. Paint splatters ended up on her hands and arms, and even her legs. Patty emailed me the next day and said, “You know, when I tried to wash the paint off, it… Read More

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Crazy About Coconuts

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it is a perfect reflection of your inner health. It would only make sense that your skin needs to be treated with the utmost care – in the same way that you would eat specific foods to protect the health of your heart, your liver or any other vital… Read More