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Are Your Telomeres In Trouble?

Living in the 21st century affords you many luxuries. High-speed computers… cell phones… air conditioning and LCD TVs. But the chemicals and industrial solvents that make them possible are poisonous. We’re now floating in a sea of space-age, lab-created, synthetic molecules. And they’re… Read More

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New Benefit From Oldest Nutrition

I have an important new way of thinking about nutrients that I want to tell you about. If you’re a member of my Confidential Cures newsletter you already know a bit about my Nutrition Pyramid. Today for you in Ageless Beauty Secrets I want to tell you why this is important for anti-aging. There… Read More

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You Weren’t Designed To Live Here

Calcium is everywhere these days. It’s hard to get away from it even if you try. They put it in bread, milk, orange juice, pasta, yogurt, toothpaste, chewing gum, snack crackers and granola bars... it’s even in your water, depending on where you live. That’s a lot of calcium. Even with all… Read More

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The Truth About Estrogen And A Woman’s Body

Our modern world is saturated with excess estrogens. When your body has too much estrogen, you feel it. You can have any have low energy, mood swings, hot flashes, and belly fat. Your libido fades, you can’t sleep, and you become depressed. Your skin dries out and wrinkles. Even worse, you can… Read More

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Younger Skin From Your Dinner Plate?

I travel over 20,000 miles a year uncovering exotic healing herbs from all around the world. But there are also some incredible healing herbs right here at home. They’re loaded with plant chemicals called flavonoids that can have important anti-aging benefits. You see, your body pulls off a neat… Read More

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Is Your Moisturizer Drying Your Skin?

When I was trekking through the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, I hardly recognized my own skin. It was as supple and plump as a child’s. No hint of rough skin. You see, it’s just about impossible to become dehydrated in a rainforest. Unfortunately, we can’t all live in the rainforest. We live… Read More

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New Recipe For “New” Skin

There sure is a lot of buzz about some of the trendy new cosmetic products on the market. It seems like every woman who comes to my wellness center asks me about one of them or the other … lip plumping, eyelash lengthening, the newest surgeries… the list goes on. But you don’t need these… Read More

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Secret anti-aging agent

If you’re anything like me, you know melatonin as something that can help you sleep better. And, like I was, you may be surprised to learn that melatonin could be one of the best little-known secrets of anti-aging. But it’s not about beauty sleep. So what exactly is melatonin? Melatonin is… Read More