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Natural Alternative Beats Arthritis Pain

I love a challenge. And that's probably why at an age when most men think a workout means riding their golf cart from tee to tee, I hiked up Mount Kilimanjaro. I'll never forget that view – or the exhilaration I felt up there. It felt like I could see all of Africa laid out before me. An awful… Read More

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Natural Stress-Buster that Lets You Live Longer

As you know, one of the main areas of focus at my wellness clinic is non-invasive, natural therapies for anti-aging. That's why when patients come to me with what they call the "symptoms of old age," I feel compelled to set them on the right course. And I can tell you that the literally thousands… Read More

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Melatonin Is Not Just For Sleep

    For many years I’ve been telling you about melatonin.  You probably know it as the sleep hormone.  It helps your body cycle down every night so you can rest. But you may not know this.  Melatonin is also a powerful anti-aging hormone that works directly on your skin. Today… Read More

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Unique Natural Healing For Winter Skin

Winter wind and cold temperatures suck the moisture right out of your skin. Today I want to tell you about a little known nutrient that soothes your winter skin and makes it firm and moist. It can put new life into your skin deep down, at the cellular level. That’s important because when your… Read More

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Makeup Causing Breast Cancer?

“Nearly all the women tested had it in their breast tissue.” That caught my eye. I was looking through my stack of new medical and health journals for the month of March. The journal Applied Toxicology has a study where researchers in England looked at samples from women with breast… Read More