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3 Simple Steps To Boost Your Thyroid

Do you sometimes feel tired for no reason? Is your concentrating power and memory sliding or do you lack the energy you use to have? Don’t be too quick to chalk it up to “Old Man Winter.” You could be suffering from the very common syndrome of an under-functioning thyroid gland. Thyroid… Read More

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Herbal Hair Remedy

Ancient Herb’s Hair-Loss Secret Over the years, scores of women have come to me with a problem they find extremely embarrassing. They’re losing their hair. Most are panicked to have this "man’s problem." I understand. It’s not easy to lose your crowning glory. It can be emotionally… Read More

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Anti-Aging Breakthrough From The Alps

It's not just the passing years that take a toll on a woman's skin. It's also the hostile environment you live in. You see, we live in a world where women face constant exposure to damaging UV radiation, pollutants, dry air and wind. All of these ravage your skin. They rob you of vital… Read More

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Four Things Women Need

Most of the "advice" I see on Dr. Oz and Oprah, in Women’s Health and in the New York Times Magazine on Sunday seem to center on the same things. These reports I’ve been seeing lately give women advice like suggesting you eat fake, processed “health” foods like flaxseed. But they’re… Read More

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The Anti-Aging Secret Of Sunshine

Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon and his band of conquistadors is said to have marched all over sunny, subtropical Florida nearly 500 years ago in search of the Fountain of Youth. Ironically, he may even have marched right past the spot where my anti-aging clinic now stands. Of course, Ponce de… Read More