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New Research: Fat Cures Wrinkles

Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, I just read a piece of brand-new research that’s going to make you break out in a big, fat grin. Researchers studied the elasticity and hydration of women’s faces and discovered that those who ate more saturated fat had fewer wrinkles.1 If you lived in a… Read More

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What Your Eyebrows May Be Telling You

Dear Health Conscious Reader, I don’t know about you, but I pluck my eyebrows. I like how nice and clean it makes my eye area look. A little grooming with a pair of tweezers is one thing. But if the outer third of your eyebrow falls out on its own, that’s a different story. If this has… Read More

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Dentists’ Dirty Little Secret

Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, It’s a well-known fact that mercury is toxic. It’s also a fact that "silver" amalgam fillings in your teeth contain mercury. When the mercury escapes from your fillings and into your bloodstream, a lot of serious health problems can result. Sleep disturbances,… Read More