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What You Need To Know About Beauty Energy

The holidays are always fun for me. But for many of my patients, they can be downright exhausting. Running around, stress, and worry can wear you out. It can even be tiring having a lot of fun. We feel the most run-down during the busiest times. But our bodies are still humming along even when… Read More

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The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Everyone’s talking about intermittent fasting these days. And I’m pleased to see it’s now entering the mainstream. Intermittent fasting — or “periodic” fasting, as it’s sometimes called — is one of the most powerful ways to lose weight I know of. It forces your body to burn fat… Read More

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The Rainforest Lift For Your Skin

During one of my trips into the Amazon Rainforest, I heard about the Guarani tribe, and their ancient herb they use to fight fatigue and maximize physical endurance. It works. We were on a grueling 18 hour trek through the jungle. But the whole time my mind was crystal clear. I never felt worn… Read More

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The “Organic” Way To Looking Younger

The way you think about aging is about to change forever. You no longer have to accept that you’ll become sicker as you grow older. And you no longer have to be greeted in the mirror each morning by dark circles under your eyes, dry, sagging skin and wrinkles you're sure weren't there… Read More