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Inside Secrets to Natural Weight Loss

I was the queen of dieting. I fell for every weight loss gimmick and fad out there. I was so desperate to be thin that I think I would have slept standing on my head if someone said it worked. There is just so much pressure as a woman to be thin. No matter where you look. And forget the parade of… Read More

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Better Than Green Tea For Your Skin

Green tea is a superfood when it comes to cancer, heart disease, and weight loss. But there’s another tea that has all the benefits of green tea and MORE. I’m talking about white tea from the Camellia sinensis plant. It’s rarer and more treasured than black or green tea. White tea is made by… Read More

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Liquid gold for your skin

It’s sometimes called “Liquid Gold” because the oil is so prized. When I went to Africa I saw mothers rub it on newborn babies’ skin, women brush it into their hair. People even sprinkle it on their couscous because the oil is not only good for your skin and hair, but it’s also healthy to… Read More

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Reset Your Hunger Hormone to Shed Fat Easily

Have you ever shivered on a cold day? Do you ever feel a little light-headed when you stand up too fast? I’m sure you’ve broken a sweat while exercising, right? What you’re feeling is your body trying to return itself to “normal.” In medicine we call that homeostasis. Your body is… Read More

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My Brazilian “Beach Beauty Secret” Gives You Supermodel Skin

It’s no surprise Brazilian models dominate the runways and the covers of the world’s most glamorous fashion magazines. But did you know these women have a secret that makes their skin soft, sensual and mesmerizing to men all over the world? I’ve seen it first hand. I go to Brazil as often as… Read More

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Facelift in a bottle?

I first met my patient Penny more than 20 years ago. Her youngest son was off to college. She had just become an empty nester. I asked if that explained her red eyes. “Are you kidding?” she laughed. “I’ve been looking forward to this for years. Now that we’re free, my husband and I have… Read More

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Are These “Health” Foods Killing Your Metabolism?

My patients often ask, “What can I eat to boost my metabolism?” It’s a good question. If you increase your metabolism even a little you’ll burn more fat. That can mean losing weight without feeling starved. But adding metabolism-boosting foods may not be enough. In fact, you could load up… Read More

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Friendly Way to Boost Vital B Vitamins

I don’t watch much TV. But when I do it’s hard to get away from all the ads for yogurt aimed at women. You’ve probably seen these ads, too. A famous Hollywood star meets “ordinary” women and convinces them to try it. Sure enough, their problems with “irregularity” disappear. Have you… Read More

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Is Your Lipstick Toxic?

Many of my patients won’t go out of the house without lipstick. It makes them feel polished, confident, and beautiful. I get that. But here’s my concern. Women are paying a hefty price for that look. And I don’t mean the $35 some are handing over for a tube of Chanel. I mean they could be… Read More