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DIY Celebrity Cheek Sculpting

I'm not a big believer in trying the latest Hollywood beauty trends. Most of them seem pretty silly, and some can be downright dangerous. But every once in a while, I come across a "trendy" beauty routine that I can connect to. Like the Inner Facial... I first experienced it when I was living in… Read More

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“Dirty” Skin is Beautiful Skin

Have you ever been told you look younger than you really are? I'm sure it made your day. Heck… it probably made your whole week. After all, in our culture youth means beauty. But maintaining a youthful-looking complexion is tough. Especially when your skin is under attack from your own… Read More

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Do a Skincare “Diet”

There's a new skincare trend that's got the Internet buzzing... It's called a "detoxing face fast" and it basically means you stop putting any products on your skin.No cleansers, no moisturizer, no makeup — nothing. The only thing you do is wash your face with warm water.It may sound like a… Read More

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Stop cleaning your skin

Two thousand years ago, wealthy Roman women used to wait for hours outside the Colosseum as virile gladiators fought each other inside the arena — sometimes in a fight for freedom... and sometimes to the death. Women in ancient Rome collected the sweat and oil of gladiators and applied… Read More

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Omega Oil Erases Crow’s Feet

Omega Oil Erases Crow’s Feet

A patient I've been treating for depression came in to see me last week. She was feeling amazingly good after taking a supplement I recommended for her. But she wanted to talk about something else entirely... Turns out the omega-3 that treated her depression also rejuvenated and revived her… Read More