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Jamaica’s Morning Energy Trick

Big Pharma has made a fortune convincing the world to take its chemical drugs. A lot of these "cures" work by poisoning part of your body. They're toxic. For thousands of years, people used food as medicine. It worked then and it works now. That's why whenever I travel I like to try the local… Read More

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The REAL Reason You’ve Got The Blues

Big Pharma has made a fortune on women with the blues. Most doctors are quick to offer not just one but multiple pills for everything from a low mood to major depression. The market for antidepressants and antipsychotics is $24 billion just in the US. Close to 15% of the population now takes… Read More

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My “No Excercise” Sweat Therapy

An old TV commercial for deodorant told women to "never let them see you sweat." It worked… Last year, consumers spent $19 billion dollars on antiperspirants and deodorants. Just to block sweat.1 I understand that as a woman, you want to smell fresh and clean. But sweat isn't the… Read More

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3 Easy Ways To Beat Yeast

If you've never had a yeast infection, brace yourself… it's probably just a matter of time. A full 75% of women have had at least one in their lifetime. But recently, I've been seeing more and more women who are getting yeast infections four or more times in a single year. Yeast can be a… Read More

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Is Your Toothpaste Dangerous?

Something you are exposed to every day — something you've been told is good for you — is actually a dangerous toxin. That toxin is fluoride, which is linked to an array of potentially serious health problems — and there's practically no way to avoid it. Almost 70% of Americans get… Read More