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Cat got your telomeres?

The paved road turned to dirt, and eventually the dirt road ended. Then my guide Octavio and I went by boat, deeper into the jungle. Finally we got to our destination at Puerto Ocopa, the last jungle outpost. Home to the Ashaninka. The Ashaninka natives welcomed their old friend Octavio, with… Read More

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The Little Blue Secret To Youthful Skin…

Here in South Florida, we like to say that we live in Paradise.  And there’s some truth to that … The sun shines all the time. The beaches are stunning. And for those like me who choose to live healthy, we have an abundance of delicious fruit … right in our backyards. Mangos, bananas… Read More

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I Can See Clearly Now…

Most doctors these days will tell you that eating oily fish can prevent you from going blind in later years. They're on the right track, but as usual they've ended up with the wrong conclusion. It is true that the omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish, like tuna, salmon and sardines, lower the… Read More

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The Anti-Aging Secret Of Sunshine

Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon and his band of conquistadors is said to have marched all over sunny, subtropical Florida nearly 500 years ago in search of the Fountain of Youth. Ironically, he may even have marched right past the spot where my anti-aging clinic now stands. Of course, Ponce de… Read More

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New “Vampire” Therapy Turns Back The Years

I've seen a lot of cosmetic therapies come and go over the years. Some work well enough.  But others cause more damage than benefits. You just have to look at some aging Hollywood actresses to see the pitfalls of too much plastic surgery. But right now, I'm working on a cosmetic anti-aging… Read More

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Natural Alternative Beats Arthritis Pain

I love a challenge. And that's probably why at an age when most men think a workout means riding their golf cart from tee to tee, I hiked up Mount Kilimanjaro. I'll never forget that view – or the exhilaration I felt up there. It felt like I could see all of Africa laid out before me. An awful… Read More