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Natural Stress-Buster that Lets You Live Longer

As you know, one of the main areas of focus at my wellness clinic is non-invasive, natural therapies for anti-aging. That's why when patients come to me with what they call the "symptoms of old age," I feel compelled to set them on the right course. And I can tell you that the literally thousands… Read More

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Nutrients For A More Youthful Look

Not too long ago, I introduced what I call the new “Hierarchy of Nutrition.” At the base of this hierarchy is Primal Nutrition. These are the nutrients you need for basic survival. Next on the hierarchy comes Ortho Nutrition. The word, “ortho,” means to straighten. Ortho Nutrition includes… Read More

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Biggest Skin Benefits From Telomeres

You already know that your telomeres are like a ticking biological clock. Each time your cells divide, a tiny bit of each telomere gets used up. Over time, these telomeres get shorter and shorter until your DNA can no longer make correct copies, and that cell stops working. This process happens… Read More

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How Pollution is Affecting Your Skin

Recently I’ve noticed that many of my patients are suffering from what I call “sick skin.”  Their complexion looks dull and tired. It’s lost that glow we all associate with youth and good health. Sick skin comes from living in a modern world full of thousands of man-made chemicals. Those… Read More

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Unique Natural Healing For Winter Skin

Winter wind and cold temperatures suck the moisture right out of your skin. Today I want to tell you about a little known nutrient that soothes your winter skin and makes it firm and moist. It can put new life into your skin deep down, at the cellular level. That’s important because when your… Read More

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The World’s Only Anti-Aging Fitness

This morning I went out and did a series of sprints. Most mornings I do PACE Express. I love PACE Express because you can keep modifying it. I do a piece of one workout and then another piece from another workout to keep it progressive. In the new building we’ve moved into we’re going to have a… Read More

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Are Your Telomeres In Trouble?

Living in the 21st century affords you many luxuries. High-speed computers… cell phones… air conditioning and LCD TVs. But the chemicals and industrial solvents that make them possible are poisonous. We’re now floating in a sea of space-age, lab-created, synthetic molecules. And they’re… Read More

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Rescue Your Brain

Unless you’re pregnant, most doctors don’t worry about how much folate you get. But they should… It’s one of the vitamins (also known as B9) doctors tell you to take because it prevents birth defects involving the child’s brain and spinal cord. Taking extra folate during the first few… Read More