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Nature’s Defense Against a Toxic Environment

“I can’t live without it,” my friend Maggie was telling her friend Anna. “I’m outside riding horses every day – that’s my life. Without it I’d look like a 98-year-old hag. People are amazed when they find out it’s snail goo...” I wasn’t paying attention until I heard that… Read More

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The French Secret for Beautiful Skin

Beautiful skin doesn’t have to be complicated. Keeping your skin looking young is actually much easier than you may think. It all starts with one simple principle: Your inner health reflects the outer health of your skin. It really makes perfect sense when you think about it. Instead of spending… Read More

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Stop This Health Food From Making You Sick

What would you call a health food loaded with toxins ... that makes digesting protein harder ... that blocks the absorption of minerals ... and throws your hormones out of balance? And what would you call it if nearly every health benefit claimed for that food was either unproven or… Read More

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Tips to Sleep Like a Baby and Start Aging Backwards

People are always asking me for my “top tips” for fresher, younger skin. Well, I’d have to put sleep in my top three. Many years ago – more than a quarter century ago, actually – I had a job that required me to stay up all night. I was a rock-and-roll disc jockey from midnight to six… Read More

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Acne-Free for Life

Acne is usually considered a teenage problem. But did you know about 40 percent of men still fight acne after their 25th birthday? And more than one out of every 10 women is still battling pimples well into middle age!1 But that wasn’t always the case. Acne is a modern disease. In fact, if you… Read More

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Refresh, Rejuvenate and Restore Gently

Your skin is starving for attention. And I’m not just talking about dusting on a coat of blush or some lip gloss to help you look your best. On the inside, your skin is craving nutrients, hydration, and a little bit of TLC. When you take the opportunity to give your skin the nutrients that it… Read More

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My Best Anti-Aging Skin Secret

Here’s a little-known beauty secret that can help rejuvenate your skin. And it won’t cost you a penny. This secret can do more than any cosmetic cover-up – no matter how expensive. It’s all-natural, 100% safe, and no one has to know you use it. But they will notice. What’s the secret?… Read More

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Your Hand Sanitizer Could Make You Sick

It shocks people to find out that I don’t use anti-bacterial soaps or hand sanitizers. But it shouldn’t... because these products don’t work. Advertisers almost make it seems reasonable that you should use something to “sanitize” your hands from all the “harmful” bacteria. In fact,… Read More

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3 Simple Steps to Younger, Sexy Skin

As a nurse practitioner specializing in natural healthcare, I’m surprised at how many patients come to me confused about how to care for their skin! They ask me questions like, “Are you supposed to cleanse once or twice a day? Should you always apply a moisturizer? What type of anti-aging… Read More