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Diminish Wrinkles With Red Wine

“Red Wine Vitamin” Zaps Wrinkles Researchers recently discovered a surprising new benefit of red wine... It contains a powerful ingredient that can help you change the appearance of aging of your skin. You may have heard of it. We’ve known for years it supports your heart and may help you… Read More

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All-Natural Skin Secret

The Trick Is to Stop “Taking Care” of Your Skin! In spite of your best efforts, your skin gets a little drier every year. You can see lines and wrinkles forming. And your skin isn’t as soft and smooth as it used to be. The secret to younger, smoother skin may not be what you… Read More

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Natural Shortcut to Younger Looking Skin

Skin that’s been exposed to pollution and harsh weather often looks older than it is. Lines, wrinkles and dry, saggy skin can add years to your appearance – no matter how young you may feel. But did you know you can have naturally younger-looking skin in just hours? You can cleanse away tired,… Read More

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Skin-Saving Tip from the Top of the World

I have fulfilled a life-long dream of mine. I climbed Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro. It’s the highest walkable point on Earth. And, it’s only two degrees from the equator. So it’s about as close as you can get to the sun. On the summit at almost 20,000 feet, I looked east and west. I… Read More

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This Superhero Fruit Detoxifies

Did you know eating a simple grapefruit can help you melt fat, detoxify your body and control your blood-sugar levels? That’s why this multipurpose fruit is a superhero in the anti-aging world. According to botanists, the grapefruit is an accidental hybrid between the pummelo and the orange.… Read More

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Anti-Aging Secret from the Ocean’s Depths

I live near the Florida coast, the shark attack capital of the world. But even here, you’re probably more likely to be struck by lightning than bitten by a shark. In other words, our fear of sharks doesn’t make much sense. And it’s too bad we’re so frightened of sharks. Because they have a… Read More