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The Beauty of Breakfast

Busy schedules affect the way we eat, but here are some statistics to "chew on." Nearly four in ten adults usually skip breakfast, what's been called "the most important meal of the day." More than half of the breakfasts eaten by Americans every day are consumed in 10 minutes or less – usually… Read More

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Fight Gray Hair with 4 Superfoods

Why do some people start seeing gray hairs in high school while others have a bright head of hair well into their golden years? The answer is a mix of genetics, age, and overall health — with a few other factors thrown in. Here’s what could be causing those silver strands to crop up... … Read More

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What Do I Drink Instead?

It doesn’t matter how healthy or thin you are, reaching for a sugary drink is still dangerous for your heart. Four times as dangerous as not drinking one. New research presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association finds that women who drank only two sugary drinks a day were… Read More

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Shortcut to Happiness

If you're already in a relationship or you're looking for your "soul mate," you can only make things better for both of you if you're happy within yourself, not dependent on someone else to "make" you happy. In fact, studies show that happily married couples live longer, healthier lives than single… Read More

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My Top 3 Dry-Skin Busters

One of the biggest complaints I hear from my patients during the winter months is how dry their skin is. Keep your skin glowing. I’m sure you’re familiar with the symptoms: More visible wrinkles, a rough and itchy feel and that not-so-attractive flaky appearance. But the good news… Read More