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Facelift in a bottle?

I first met my patient Penny more than 20 years ago. Her youngest son was off to college. She had just become an empty nester. I asked if that explained her red eyes. “Are you kidding?” she laughed. “I’ve been looking forward to this for years. Now that we’re free, my husband and I have… Read More

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Are These “Health” Foods Killing Your Metabolism?

My patients often ask, “What can I eat to boost my metabolism?” It’s a good question. If you increase your metabolism even a little you’ll burn more fat. That can mean losing weight without feeling starved. But adding metabolism-boosting foods may not be enough. In fact, you could load up… Read More

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Friendly Way to Boost Vital B Vitamins

I don’t watch much TV. But when I do it’s hard to get away from all the ads for yogurt aimed at women. You’ve probably seen these ads, too. A famous Hollywood star meets “ordinary” women and convinces them to try it. Sure enough, their problems with “irregularity” disappear. Have you… Read More

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Is Your Lipstick Toxic?

Many of my patients won’t go out of the house without lipstick. It makes them feel polished, confident, and beautiful. I get that. But here’s my concern. Women are paying a hefty price for that look. And I don’t mean the $35 some are handing over for a tube of Chanel. I mean they could be… Read More

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An Orange A Day Keeps The Plastic Surgeon Away

When I was in my 20s I heard about collagen. It was being used by celebrities to get fuller lips and smoother looking skin. To be honest, I thought it was something foreign and I didn’t want anything to do with it. Later I came to learn that we have collagen in our bodies but would not realize… Read More