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A Therapy That Rebuilds Your Defenses FAST

In ancient times, our ancestors had pure sources of the nutrients they needed to thrive. But they were limited in terms of how much they could get of any particular one. Organ meat gives you a wealth of nutrients, including protein, CoQ10, and a host of vitamins. But you can’t get really… Read More

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Cat got your telomeres?

The paved road turned to dirt, and eventually the dirt road ended. Then my guide Octavio and I went by boat, deeper into the jungle. Finally we got to our destination at Puerto Ocopa, the last jungle outpost. Home to the Ashaninka. The Ashaninka natives welcomed their old friend Octavio, with… Read More

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The Truth About “Healthy” Grains

Mainstream doctors have led you to believe a low-fat diet that's high in grains is not only healthy... but also a great way to shed pounds. I'm here to tell you they couldn't be more wrong. The truth is that today's processed grain-filled foods will not help you lose weight. In fact, grains… Read More

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The Surprising Truth About Calories

It seems that mainstream medicine has just discovered you can get fat without eating more. And you don't have to eat less to lose weight.1 I was as surprised by this revelation as they were – although not quite in the same way. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a very… Read More

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3 Simple Steps To Boost Your Thyroid

Do you sometimes feel tired for no reason? Is your concentrating power and memory sliding or do you lack the energy you use to have? Don’t be too quick to chalk it up to “Old Man Winter.” You could be suffering from the very common syndrome of an under-functioning thyroid gland. Thyroid… Read More

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Herbal Hair Remedy

Ancient Herb’s Hair-Loss Secret Over the years, scores of women have come to me with a problem they find extremely embarrassing. They’re losing their hair. Most are panicked to have this "man’s problem." I understand. It’s not easy to lose your crowning glory. It can be emotionally… Read More

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Anti-Aging Breakthrough From The Alps

It's not just the passing years that take a toll on a woman's skin. It's also the hostile environment you live in. You see, we live in a world where women face constant exposure to damaging UV radiation, pollutants, dry air and wind. All of these ravage your skin. They rob you of vital… Read More

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The Little Blue Secret To Youthful Skin…

Here in South Florida, we like to say that we live in Paradise.  And there’s some truth to that … The sun shines all the time. The beaches are stunning. And for those like me who choose to live healthy, we have an abundance of delicious fruit … right in our backyards. Mangos, bananas… Read More