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Essential For Beating Depression

Whenever I peel an orange and the smell of fresh citrus fills the room, I have the sense that it’s affecting my body at a deeper level. In fact, as I breathe it in, the scent actually makes me feel good. Oranges – including their peel – are packed with health-giving vitamin C. Although… Read More

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Anti-Aging Secret from the Rainforest

  In my search for Nature’s healing secrets, I’ve encountered some fascinating cultures. One of the most ancient and knowledgeable about healing herbs has been the Ashaninka people of Peru. Since before recorded history, the Ashaninka have lived close to the land along the headwaters… Read More

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Thyroid Disorder Link to Breast Cancer

More than 21 million women in America suffer from thyroid dysfunction — and the chances are their doctors aren’t telling them it could be a precursor to breast cancer. I’m not telling you this to scare you, but to let you know that hyper- and hypothyroidism can be prevented — and so can… Read More

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Laser IV Therapy Benefits

I know laser IV therapy works, because I tested it on myself. I’m talking about a new kind of treatment that will make you feel alert and energetic — which is especially important the more you age. You won’t hear about it from mainstream medicine, which regards IV laser therapy as… Read More

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Look The Way Nature Intended

Since the ’70s, at least a half-dozen Big Pharma drugs have been approved only to get shelved, because they ended up causing serious health problems. These problems have ranged from psychiatric and neurologic disorders to increased risks of heart attacks and strokes. The side effects have also… Read More