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Eliminate Eye Bags

When I ask my women patients to tell me the one thing that bothers them most about their appearance, a lot of them point to the skin under their eyes. They think the puffiness and saggy skin makes them look run-down and tired… and older than they feel. Most of them have tried every… Read More

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My “No Excercise” Sweat Therapy

An old TV commercial for deodorant told women to "never let them see you sweat." It worked… Last year, consumers spent $19 billion dollars on antiperspirants and deodorants. Just to block sweat.1 I understand that as a woman, you want to smell fresh and clean. But sweat isn't the… Read More

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3 Easy Ways To Beat Yeast

If you've never had a yeast infection, brace yourself… it's probably just a matter of time. A full 75% of women have had at least one in their lifetime. But recently, I've been seeing more and more women who are getting yeast infections four or more times in a single year. Yeast can be a… Read More

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Jungle Berry Beats Vitamin C Tabs

When I visited the Ashaninka Indians in Peru, I noticed they would pick berries from shrubs that grew along the flooded banks of the Amazon and use them as fish bait. Once they'd caught their dinner, they'd gather more of the yellow-red berries and bring them back to camp. They ate them fresh… Read More

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To Banish Blemishes, Do This

I've treated enough female patients over the years to know that having smooth, blemish-free skin is important to all women — whether they're 16 or 46. But dermatologists take a one-size-fits-all approach to treating skin problems like acne. They prescribe antibiotics, birth control pills or… Read More