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Stop The Nightly Tingling Torture

Big Pharma has a pill for every "disease" under the sun… They even invent diseases just so they can provide a cure! This is exactly what happened with "restless leg syndrome." That's when you have an itchy, creepy-crawly feeling in your legs and an urge to move them, especially at… Read More

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Jamaica’s Morning Energy Trick

Big Pharma has made a fortune convincing the world to take its chemical drugs. A lot of these "cures" work by poisoning part of your body. They're toxic. For thousands of years, people used food as medicine. It worked then and it works now. That's why whenever I travel I like to try the local… Read More

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The REAL Reason You’ve Got The Blues

Big Pharma has made a fortune on women with the blues. Most doctors are quick to offer not just one but multiple pills for everything from a low mood to major depression. The market for antidepressants and antipsychotics is $24 billion just in the US. Close to 15% of the population now takes… Read More

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Get Perfect “China Doll” Skin

Have you ever heard someone describe a woman as having "porcelain skin"? It's a real compliment. It means the woman has skin that's smooth and flawless… like a China doll. China dolls were all the rage long before little girls started playing with Barbies. And they were known for their… Read More

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Neck Giving Away Your Age

As an anti-aging doctor, I frequently see how a good beauty routine can really pay off. Many women I see look a good 10 years younger than the age on their charts. Until I look at their necks. You can have smooth, glowing skin on your face, but if you neglect your neck… what's the point? A… Read More

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My Free 12-Minute Wrinkle Remedy

Every year, more than 2 million Americans shell out hundreds or even thousands of dollars for chemical peels and microdermabrasion procedures. Mostly women. They want to get rid of lines, wrinkles and crow's feet. They want to look younger. I get it. But today I'm going to tell you… Read More