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Detox your summer skin

This time of year is hard on your skin. And it's more than just sweating a lot from being in the hot summer sun. All that time spent outdoors exposes your skin to toxins from our modern world. In fact, you are bombarded by more than 80,000 chemicals in the air, water and soil every… Read More

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Massage keeps you young

When someone you love hugs you or holds your hand, your blood pressure goes down, your stress hormones drop and your immune system gets a big boost. Healing touch is a tradition in almost every civilization. It’s been used for over 5,000 years to heal injuries, relieve pain and… Read More

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Sunshine for your eyes?

I’ve visited native tribes in remote villages all around the world. And one of the many things you won’t see are sunglasses. But just like our primal ancestors, the tribes have perfect vision. Here, eye doctors tell you to wear sunglasses whenever you’re… Read More