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Shine a Light on Back Pain

Elsie was one of the first patients I saw when I started at the Sears Institute. So when she called me in tears, I told her to come in right away... Elsie was leaving on her dream vacation to Africa in less than a week. But she could barely stand up. Her lower back pain was so severe she didn't… Read More

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Your Body’s First Line of Defense

I'm washing - I'm washing! And so are you, I'm sure. The advice is all well and good, but it completely ignores your body's most important defense: your immune system. Your immune system is the main barrier preventing harmful pathogens like viruses and the common flu from entering your body. And… Read More

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Protect yourself from a plastic world

The World Health Organization came out with a new report revealing just how much plastic is in our drinking water.1 Ironically, they tell you not to worry — because drinking these plastic microparticles won’t hurt the human body. It’s mind-boggling and just plain wrong. These microplastics… Read More

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Dramatic Age Reversal!

I’ve invited an incredible line-up of the world’s top age-reversing authorities to my 2019 Confidential Cures Summit at the Eau Resort and Spa in Palm Beach, Florida. This summit was planned and created for YOU. It’s NOT about abstract scientific concepts and medical theories. It’s about… Read More

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Going Japanese

The Japanese have been using this secret spice to stay slender for centuries. After all, 70% of their diet is made of carbs, but they have the lowest obesity rates of any country in the world.1 The Japanese call this seasoning wakame or hijiki. It’s a brown seaweed extract also known as… Read More