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Memory of Granddaughter Returned

I love hearing directly from my readers and then sharing their experiences with you... Especially when they write to tell me that information they got from one of my letters changed their life. Like this letter I got from Roseanne. She's a grandmother living alone in Kentucky. She'd been… Read More

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Brain stress and chocolate

If you're like most Americans, you're probably feeling more than a little bit of stress and anxiety these days. One of the things I like to do during times like these is reach for some good old-fashioned comfort food. And no, I don't mean carb-heavy favorites like mac 'n cheese. One of my favorite… Read More

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Get Your Glow on After Menopause

Menopause doesn't have to mean dry, wrinkled skin. Hormonal aging is one of the main reasons why a woman's skin starts to change during menopause. But it's not because you have too little estrogen. It's because you have too much... You won't hear that from your dermatologist or your OB/GYN.… Read More