Human growth hormone (HGH) is one of the most powerful tools we have to turn back the clock on aging.
It can increase your energy, enhance your sexual performance and build muscle and bone. It improves your immune function, mood, cholesterol and vision.
It can even make you look years younger…
The science is real.
In 1990, Dr. Daniel Rudman gave HGH injections to 12 men aged 61 to 81.
The groundbreaking results were published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
The men saw their gray hair turn dark. Their energy levels soared. Sexual appetite improved.
These fat, flabby men turned into younger, leaner and more energized versions of themselves.
Their faces looked younger, too. Wrinkles disappeared. They had a 7.1% increase in the thickness of their skin.
The reversal in age was equivalent to 10 to 20 years. And that was in just 6 months!
Mainstream medicine tried to torpedo Dr. Rudman’s work. They claimed HGH wouldn’t be safe for long-term use.
But then British researchers gave a group of men HGH for 10 years. They had the same results — more lean muscle mass, less fat, more energy and better emotional health. And they had no negative side effects.
A new study further supports these findings!
Brazilian researchers reviewed the scientific literature on how HGH affects skin health, healing and aging. They found that HGH plays an important role in the development, maintenance and repair of the skin.1
One reason skin ages is that HGH levels decline steeply over time.
A 20-year-old woman produces more than twice as much HGH as she will when she’s 40. Levels continue to drop at the rate of about 15% per decade.
But studies show that when you restore HGH to normal levels, you reverse many of the signs of aging. Collagen in the dermis layer of the skin increases. The thickness and elasticity of the skin return to normal.2
The best way to increase HGH levels is through prescription injections. To be safe you must have your blood levels checked first.
I have been treating patients with HGH for more than 10 years. Once we have blood levels, patients inject themselves. It now comes in a handy self-injection cartridge without needles. I’ve used it in patients from 35 to 95.
I’ve seen some remarkable changes. Patients come in flabby and frail. Then in a matter of weeks, they’re strong, healthy and active.
If you are interested in learning more about HGH, you can contact my staff at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine at 561-784-7852.
And don’t be fooled by Internet ads selling HGH as a pill. These products have very little or no effect.
But there are other natural ways to restore your HGH to youthful levels:
1. Boost Your L-Arginine. Studies show that this amino acid can double your levels of human growth hormone.3
Great food sources include tuna, chicken, salmon, shrimp and eggs. Plant sources include peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts and watermelon. But to get the HGH benefits you’ll have to supplement. I recommend taking 6,000 mg per day of L-arginine.
2. Take Glutamine.Researchers from the Louisiana State University found just two grams of the amino acid glutamine raised HGH levels more than four times higher than those who took a placebo.4 Take two grams at bedtime.
3. Sip Astragalus Tea. The herb Astragalus membranaceus has been proven to intensify growth hormone levels in animal studies. Chinese researchers discovered four separate components of astragalus that accelerate the discharge of human growth hormone from pituitary glands.5
Astragalus tea is a refreshing drink to sip between meals. You can also take astragalus as a supplement. It’s safe and nontoxic. I recommend 200 mg morning and evening, with or without food.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
1. Póvoa, Guilherme, & Diniz, Lucia Martins. “Growth Hormone System: skin interactions.” Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia. 2011.
2. Lönn L, Johansson G, Sjöström L, Kvist H, Odén A, Bengtsson BA. “Body composition and tissue distribution in growth hormone deficient adults before and after growth hormone treatment.” Obes Res. 1996.
3. Kanaley JA. “Growth hormone, arginine and exercise.” Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2008 Jan.
4 TC Welbourne. “Increased plasma bicarbonate and growth hormone after an oral glutamine load.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1995.
5. Kim C., et al. “Induction of growth hormone by the roots of Astragalus membranaceus in pituitary cell culture.” Arch Pharm Res. 2003.