At my clinic, I treat women with a procedure nicknamed the “O” shot…
It’s a quick, painless procedure that will put the spontaneity back into your sex life.
It uses platelet-rich plasma, or PRP for short.
I’ve used PRP in my patients to heal injuries and aching joints. I’ve written to you before about how it’s better than a facelift to smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

PRP helps improve sexual function in women.
But PRP also works if you’re having trouble in the bedroom.
Almost 40% of women suffer from sexual dysfunction. I’m talking about everything from vaginal dryness and pain to low libido.
Even if you ask your doctor about sex, they don’t want to delve into the subject. You typically get dangerous hormone therapy or an antidepressant — maybe even the “female Viagra” pill. But these pills have nasty side effects. They can even spike your risk for heart attack and stroke.
PRP is a simple treatment. It starts with a small amount of blood drawn from your arm. The blood is run through a centrifuge to separate out plasma with a high concentration of platelets.
This platelet-rich plasma is also rich in powerful proteins called growth factors.
When PRP is injected into an injured area, growth factors promote healing. They regenerate injured tissue.
But these growth factors also get to the root cause of many forms of sexual problems — reduced blood flow.
PRP increases blood flow wherever it’s applied. When PRP is injected into tissues, it activates the growth of new blood vessels from existing and damaged blood vessel tissue. That can increase blood flow.
Low blood flow to the vagina and clitoris can diminish arousal and orgasm. It can also cause vaginal dryness and reduced sexual sensation.
That’s where the “O” shot comes in…
It’s PRP that’s injected — virtually painlessly — into an area near the clitoris and an area just inside the vagina — the “O-spot.”
A recent study shows that injections of PRP are safe and effective for improving female sexual function. It found that 71% of women had:1
- Enhanced sensitivity
- Greater arousal
- Increased desire
- Less pain during sex
- Improved orgasm
All it takes is 15 minutes… And you’ll see results right away. Within two to four weeks, you should feel the full effects. They usually last for 15 to 18 months, or longer.
And there’s no downtime with the O-shot. You can resume sexual activity within hours. And there’s often an immediate improvement in arousal. The effects can last a year or longer.
If you’re interested in the O-shot, or in any other type of PRP, please call my staff at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine at 561-784-7852 for details. They’re happy to answer any questions.
Two Proven Sex Boosters You Can Try Tonight
Even if you don’t get PRP shots, you can still boost your performance in the bedroom naturally. Here are two natural boosters to improve your blood flow:
- Take these two amino acid sex boosters. L-Arginine and L-Citrulline team up to make nitric oxide. This boosts blood flow to give your lovemaking a lift. Great food sources include peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, tuna, chicken, salmon, shrimp, eggs and watermelon. If you want to supplement, I recommend 1,000 mg of L-citrulline and 6,000 mg of L-arginine a day.
- Beet Juice. Beet juice has been used since the time of the ancient Romans to improve blood flow.2 It heightens bedroom performance of both men and women by raising nitric oxide levels. Drink it straight or mix a teaspoon of beet powder into fruit juice. You can also get beet capsules online or from health food stores. I recommend 1,000 mg a day.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
1. Runels C, et al. “A pilot study of the effect of localized injections of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction.” J Women’s Health Care. 2014;3:4.
2. Hobbs DA, et al. “Acute ingestion of beetroot bread increases endothelium independent vasodilation and lowers diastolic blood pressure in healthy men: A randomized controlled trial.” J Nutr. 2013;143(9):1399-1405.